
From DLNET.ORG Cloud Documentation
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The DLNET.ORG Cloud is a not-for-profit project. It is based on the philosophy that internet services should be as decentralized as possible. Hence, it is better to have lots of small providers than a few elephants like Google and Microsoft. In that spirit, DLNET.ORG Cloud will never grow beyond a single server (and therefore, cannot become profitable).

Prices are set to cover all maintenance costs, including the colocation fee and server hardware. Moreover, heavy users should pay more than light users.

To buy a plan, send an email to Lennart with your requested domain name, your requested email address, and contact information (address and phone number) for the domain registration.


Prices are BTW (VAT) inclusive.

Mail only

This package is intended for light users who only use email and calendar synchronisation.

Full cloud

Make use of all the benefits of the DLNET.ORG Cloud.

* A .nl domain name is €9,67 per year. See [1] for other prices.


Extra storage

  • Price: €2 per month per 100GB.

Website add-on

This add-on is intended for light websites with little traffic.

  • Price: €1,50 per month.